We are called to be a witness of God! Most Christians and Church leaders of today have the idea that soul-winning is done inside their church auditoriums. While many find Christ in church buildings, soul-winning was done out where the people lived in Bible times.
Therefore, let the cross be raised again at the center of the marketplace and on the wall of the church building. Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral between two candles, but on a cross between two thieves -on the town garbage heap, at a crossroads traveled by people of so many nations they had to write His title in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
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He died such a painful death to save us; that’s why we’re called to be a witness for this painful death. The Son of God was crucified at the kind of place where cynics talk smut, where thieves curse, and where soldiers gamble.
Because that is where Christ died, and it’s the best place to share His message of love; this is what real Christianity is all about. Let’s take our first scripture to know how we’re called to be a witness of Christ.
“But I have witnesses, O Israel, says the Lord! You are my witnesses and my servants, chosen to know and to believe me and to understand that I alone am God. There is no other God; there never was and never will be. I am the Lord, and there is no other Savior. Whenever you have thrown away your idols, I have shown you my power. With one word, I have saved you. You have seen me do it; you are my witnesses that it is true (Isa. 43:10-12, TLB).
To witness is to testify, prove, show or give evidence of something or about someone. In a court of law, a witness is regarded as very important in judging a matter since their account can influence the verdict. Today, we see clearly from God’s word that we are God’s witnesses.
We are called to be a witness – (what the world want to hear)

In our opening text, God is saying that when the world needs answers about the kind of God He is, we are the ones to prove to them. Our lives, deeds, and words must all be points of reference to testify how amazing our God is.
“You are the world’s light—a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father” (Matt. 5:14-16, TLB).
“Lord, how I love you! For you have done such tremendous things for me. The Lord is my fort where I can enter and be safe; no one can follow me in and slay me. He is a rugged mountain where I hide; he is my Savior, a rock where none can reach me, and a tower of safety. He is my shield. He is like the strong horn of a mighty fighting bull” (Ps. 18:1-2, TLB).
David wrote this song when the Lord had delivered him from his many enemies, including Saul. It was a song of prayer and, at the same time of praise. David teaches us that it is always good to acknowledge God’s mighty and wondrous works in our lives. I believe this was part of the reason why God loved David the way He did.
How many times have we kept silent on some of the things God has done for us? How else can others know how good our God is if we don’t share what He has done for us? Many times, all someone needs to believe in God through our praise report. As long as we keep it to ourselves, others would not know what kind of God we serve.
When Jesus promised the coming of the Holy Spirit after He was gone, He said: “But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about Me with great effect…” (Acts 1:8, TLB). Do you have the Holy Spirit inside of you?
If so, then you carry the power to be a witness! Let’s remain faithful to our King and commit to the great commission He has called us.