Tips to Finding Personal Trainer Jobs When Starting Out


Are you considering a career as a personal trainer? With obesity on the rise, now more than ever, more people are turning to trainers for guidance and motivation towards living a better lifestyle. But, being a trainer is actually a lot more work than you might think.

That’s why it’s important to start out in entry-level personal trainer jobs. You may wonder, “How do I find it?” It’s not as easy as posting on a job board.

Not sure how to get your first experience as a trainer? Follow these tips to find your first position and to know the skills that you will need.

Network and Reach Out to Established Trainers

Use your current network of people and find out if any of them know someone connected in the industry. If so, don’t be afraid to reach out. Consider also joining related local networking events, workshops, or conferences.

Ask questions at these events and be willing to network with those in attendance. Make sure you have a strong presence and portfolio that showcases your skills, qualifications, impressive resume, and expertise. Online networking profiles like LinkedIn also allow you to connect with other professionals in the fitness industry and potentially gain references. 

Being friendly, personable, and professional when reaching out can also go a long way. You can visit for you to know better if you still want to have more information. Showing you’re eager to learn, listen and be part of the community will help you find the jobs you’re looking for.

Get Connected to Job Boards and Agencies

Many of these boards are online, so take time to explore all the options available. You can also contact local agencies directly and inquire about any openings they may have. It’s also important to research and learn about potential job opportunities that may not be listed on job boards.

You can contact fitness centers and sports clubs in your area to see if they are hiring. Make sure to create informative business cards and a profile on LinkedIn to showcase yourself as a professional.

Stay Organized and Follow Up on Job Applications

Start by creating a plan for how you will search, the type of positions you’re looking for, and how you will apply. Also, have a list of contacts that you can reach out to in regard to job leads and feedback on resumes and cover letters.

When applying for positions, keep track of them by writing down important information such as the job title and company, contact information, and the date you submitted your application. This way, you’ll remember if and when you need to follow up.

It’s important to stay in touch with potential employers when you’re done with your job application. Send periodic emails or make quick phone calls to ask about the status of any jobs. Let prospective employers know you’re interested.

What You Need To Know To Get Personal Trainer Jobs

Editing, networking, and marketing are essential for jumpstarting personal trainer jobs. With the right resources and mindset, you can find great personal training jobs suited to your needs. If you’re looking to get started in your career, contact a professional and let them help with your job search.

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