How To Stop Masturbating The Right Way – The Youth Pastor Battle Ground


This post will guide you on how to stop masturbating the right way using Biblical steps.

Masturbation has become one of the deadly viruses among the youths in our generation. Even most Christians today are battling with the issues of p*rnography and musturbation. That’s why in this post, we want to address some of the practical and Biblical steps to help you stop masturbating.

Anytime you hear the word “masturbation” in a sermon, a small group, or just in the presence of another human, all kinds of uncomfortable things start to happen. The room goes quiet, faces get red, throats are cleared as people shift in their seats, we all avoid eye contact, and everyone tries to act like they didn’t just hear that word.

Awkward or not, as Christians, this is a topic we can’t ignore. Our churches and community circles are filled with people who silently struggle with this sin, too embarrassed to seek the help they wish they could find.

Perhaps you are someone who struggles with masturbation. Or maybe you have no clue why this is a temptation for people but would like to be someone others can confide in and get advice from.

Before we come to the point of stopping masturbating, I would like you to watch this short testimony from one renowned Nigerian Christian comedy actor, The Youths Pastor Battle Ground. He also shares how he was battling with masturbating as a Christian and how he overcame it.

Watch Video: How To Ttop Masturbating

The first step you need to stop masturbating is FAITH. Have the faith that you have already overcome masturbation, and follow these practical steps to stop masturbating.

How To Stop Masturbating As A Christian

Below are the steps you need to follow so you can stop masturbating. Meditate upon it, and I believe you will surely come out from this deadly weapon of the devil.

1. Realize The Bible Does Condemns It

How to stop masturbating

You’ve probably heard that the word “masturbation” is found nowhere in Scripture, which is true. Therefore when most people explain why masturbation is a sin, they focus on the lustful thoughts and intentions almost always associated with self-pleasure.

But just because the Bible does not directly condemn masturbation does not mean it has not been forbidden indirectly. Often, authors in the Bible speak in categories rather than in specifics. So instead of listing every possible sexual act that could be sinful, the Bible gives us general boundaries in which we are to remain.

To the married 1 Corinthians 7:5 states, “Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” 

The single 1 Corinthians 7:9 explains, “But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.”

These two verses give us one sexual category for both the married and the single that encompasses all condoned sexual acts: All sexual activity must include the physical presence of your spouse. Masturbation is indirectly condemned through what is expressly condoned.

Notice Paul says that if you are married and perform a sexual act away from your spouse, you have fallen to Satan’s temptation because of your lack of self-control.

If you are single and perform any sexual act (because you don’t have a spouse), here again, Paul says you show that you cannot control yourself because you are indulging in sexual activity meant for marriage alone.

Since masturbation is done away from your spouse, the Bible categorizes it as sin. You can’t stop masturbating if you are not convinced it is sinful.

Therefore, the first step in stopping this sin is to believe that the Bible condemns this act strongly.

2. Look Ahead To The Reward

To overcome any temptation, we need to not only resist evil but also pursue what is good. Romans 12:21 says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

If you are single and desire to overcome masturbation, you have to firmly believe that your self-control and self-sacrifice now will result in greater pleasure in the future.

You must learn not only to resist the temptation but to pursue the pleasure that stems from pleasing God. Additionally, masturbation will lessen your delight in sex once you get married.

The more you resist sexual temptation now, the greater your sexual experiences with your future spouse will be later. And more than that, the more you resist sin in general, the greater your understanding of God will be.

3. Remember Who You Are In Christ

How to stop masturbating

The process of sanctification is directly tied to our willingness to embrace the effects the gospel has had on us. When we become Christian, we are made into a new creation with desires to please God (2 Corinthians 5:14-21).

We must now spend the rest of our lives learning to embrace our new identity and reject our old nature. If you want to overcome the temptation to masturbate, you must trust your Bible over your feelings.

Preach the truth to yourself, “I’m a new creation in Christ. I don’t want to sin like this. I want to please God now.” The more deeply you believe that you are a new person who craves purity rather than promiscuity, the more your actions will begin to change.

If you are a Christian, you are a new creation. Now you need to believe it and live from this truth.

4. Close All Doors Of Masturbation

There are things you watch, things you read, places you go, people you hang out with, the music you listen to that bombard your mind with ungodly thoughts and stir your flesh toward sinning.

Therefore to stop masturbating, you have to do whatever you need to do to guard your mind and not expose yourself to these people, places, or things.

Cut yourself off from any person, place, or thing that feeds your flesh. Your eyes and ears are gateways to your heart and mind. Therefore you must be deliberate about protecting yourself from whatever will lead you to sin.

5. Connect With The Right People

How to stop masturbating

One of the best ways to stop masturbating is to have a connection with the right people. Confession is essential when it comes to overcoming the devil and temptations.

One of the mistakes people make when battling masturbation is when they try to fight it all alone. You have to talk to someone who is trusted and will help you in prayers also.


I believe this piece will help you overcome p*rnography and masturbation. Know that your sins have been forgiven. Remember what Jesus said: GO AND SIN NO MORE! And connect yourself with the right people who will support you in prayers also. Stop visiting places that will trigger your affection for sexual sins. Hold to the Bible devotional studies and listen to Christian kinds of music from

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Credit: Apply Gods Word

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