Repent from your sin and renew your first love in 3 proven steps


Repent from your sin: the gracious message from our Monarch.

What hurts most in life is to lose an intimate friendship or loved one—especially when the person you loved has now become a stranger in your life. The worst of all is a rebellious son who no longer heeds to his parents’ advice.

What is your relationship with God? Is God at the center of your life? Have you forgotten your first love?
In today’s Bible studies, we will discuss how to repent from your sin and renew your intimate relationship with God again.

I don’t say this unkindly, but many people trap in sinful habits with little awareness. By the end of our studies, God will revive and reconcile you again through his unchanging grace and mercy.

Let’s explore our Bible verse for today:

Revelations 2:5
Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the first works; for if you do not, I will come to you quickly; and I will remove your lampstand out of its place unless you repent.

Jesus tells us that we should do three things to get back to Him when we find ourselves far from Him: remember, repent, and return.

Remember your first love.

repent from your sin

Most of the time, we know when something we lost is wherever we left it. If we lose our mobile phone, it is waiting wherever we placed it or wherever we had it last.

We have to remember where we last had it. That is also a great truth concerning our love for God. If we have misplaced our love for Him, it is wherever we left it last.

Where was the last time the incredible love of God touched us? Wherever that was, if we’ve lost it, it is still there because God hasn’t moved. Our heavenly Father is waiting for us to remember Him and go back and get reacquainted with Him.

Revelation 2:4-5

“Yet I hold this against you: you have forsaken your first love.

You have forsaken your daily morning devotion, evangelism, Bible studies, and regular church activities.

Why have you replaced church time with telenovela’s show? Because of that, you no longer go to church early. We need to remember our first love!

Repent from your sin

When we repent, we look at our sin, see how ugly it is, don’t blame it on someone or something else, face the reality of it, ask Jesus for forgiveness and turn around.

Don’t be deceived: repent from your sin.

Deception believes something is right when it is wrong.

1 John 1:7-10 tells us that as long as we walk in the light of God’s love and truth, the blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing us from all sin. it also says, “if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.”

However, this beautiful scripture goes on to say, “But if we confess our sin, he is faithful to forgive and cleanse us.”

There are three possible deception areas whenever you tell someone to ‘repent from your sin.’

  1. We have no sin: Thinking we have no sin for which to be forgiven.
  2. We don’t need to confess: Thinking if we do wrong, God will either overlook it or forgive us even if we don’t face it or tell him about it.
  3. Unforgiving heart: Thinking we cannot or will not be forgiving even when we confess our sin.

Return to the Lord

repent from your sin

Don’t stay in sin or disobedience. Remember where you have fallen, repent quickly, and return to the Lord for restoration.

If you have doubted God on whether your sins will be forgiven or not, question no longer.

He is waiting to restore all the years that have been eating and cause you to stand forth in the glorious perfection, ready and waiting for our dear Jesus Christ.


The truth is that believers fall much more often than many would like to admit. But simple humility and confession are what God requires.

Repent from your sin and make confessions. He has already taken the punishment we deserved on the cross.

Therefore, let us wake up and press on to perfection! Let us walk in faithfulness with the Lord again.

The winter is over and gone, the spring with its former rain has passed, the summer is passing, and the latter rain has long been falling. The harvest is at hand, and the master is searching for ripened, developed fruit.

Praise God for the root and trunk of salvation! Praise God for the firm, strong limbs and branches of holiness and consecration! Praise God for the green leaves of the Holy Spirit.

But our Monarch demands fruit from His tree these last days before His coming. Not green, immature fruit, but perfect fruit. He is whispering just now:

“I Will Restore All The Years That Have Been Eaten”

“LORD, when we go off the path of righteousness grant us the grace to remember, repent, and do again the things we did when we first came to You.” AMEN!!

First Love -Hillsong Young & Free

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